New World Laboratories (NWL) is a research think-tank with an out-of-the-box approach to developing new therapeutic platforms. NWL has invented a series of revolutionary platform technologies and is also re-inventing the classical Biotech model: Instead of developing product ideas based on existing academic results and building companies around them, new technologies are designed from scratch using “rational-based” problem solving and cross-functional international specialist teams.

NWL’s innovation process starts with large unmet medical needs, and solutions are custom-designed by conceptualizing and executing genuinely novel ways to address them; this process allows consideration of all potential routes, including some that might not have been tried before, as the process is not linked to any specific background model, technology or university.

NWL’s core area of expertise is Regenerative Medicine R&D, in particular the Precision Medicine approach to this field. Lead technologies, including drugs, stem cells and biomaterials, have been developed over the past 10+ years and are under full IP protection.

NWL was originally founded in 2003 and is currently headquartered in Laval, Quebec, Canada since 2007.


NWL’s culture is mainly being driven by making a difference. NWL provides its members the independence and innovation capacity needed to come up with original ideas and products, and the corporate drive and mindset to take those products to market. In exchange, NWL team-members give (and are chosen according to) their loyalty, talents, and team-spirit towards NWL.

NWL’s logo and seal have 3 words engraved on them: Celera, Anima, Veritas.

Celera represents the “speed” at which NWL develops completely new innovative therapeutics and brings them to market.

Anima represents the “creative ability”, “soul” and “vitality” within NWL. In ancient times the active ingredient in a drug used to be called the anima (which was the first word for and recognition of an active ingredient in a drug or medical preparation).

Veritas represents the guiding principle of “truth” within NWL for developing new therapeutics, for designing experiments and analyzing data, and deciding the fate of a therapeutic candidate. This simple objectivity seeks to uncover the truth / driver behind the disease under study, the most effective way to develop a true therapeutic for the disease, and the simplest way to quickly & truthfully determine the potency and safety of a therapeutic candidate, to ultimately end up with the right solution.

NWL is an innovation powerhouse that routinely generates new life science product leads based on breakthrough science, with a current focus on neurological indications. NWL’s mission is to address some of the major unsolved or poorly solved areas.

NWL has not only invented a series of revolutionary platform technologies, but has also “re-invented” the classical (and lately not that successful) Biotech model: Instead of developing product ideas based on existing academic results and building companies around them, new technologies are being designed from scratch using “rational-based” problem solving and cross-functional international specialist teams.

Related to this insight, NWL has always started its innovation process with large unmet medical needs, and has then custom-designed solutions by conceptualizing and executing genuinely novel ways to address them; this process has allowed the consideration of all potential routes, including some that might not have been tried before, as the process is not linked to any specific background model, technology or university.

Once potential leads have been identified, NWL has had a strong emphasis on experimental design that challenges the limits of the technologies by executing a rigorous and comprehensive “proving the negative” challenge before selecting the final lead for development. Also this is very unlike the current mainstream Biotech R&D process, where there is a focus on proving the right, creating hype, and rarely any motivation to prove the wrong in one’s assumption. By not conducting the important step of attempting to “prove the wrong” early on in the development process when the costs are low, has led to a major part of the clinical and commercial failures in Biotech / Pharma.

NWL has been able to maintain its out-of-the-box thinking and methods of product development precisely by not creating too much hype and being able to work alone and independently – factors that have been important in maintaining NWL’s independent thought-process. NWL scientists are trained to leave their dogmas outside everyday before coming to work and to critically analyze and question all the data – and then to follow the data wherever it leads them to find new, unexplored angles for finding a novel solution to the problem.